M i r a i`s DraMachine .

the junkyard of utterly random thoughts of an ordinary 16 year old :]


New Workplace [:

Since my motherboard got out of whack due to excessive heating [ It used to be near a window . Wah @_@ ] about a month ago, my PC was relocated to my study table [ which is now my former study table XD ] . Anyway, this is my new setup . Weh . Quite messy, isn`t it ? This is how I like my setup XD

Its contents...
• *of course* monitor , CPU , mouse , mousepad , keyboard && power supply [ under the desk , not seen ] .

my panda hat from Hongkong
-- It covers the mug where I keep my pens, pencils, highlighters, etcetera . I just love looking at the cute face of a Panda [:

calculator with panda sticker
-- I use it if I need some calculations done or if I`m too lazy to add things up [ example: how much Penya would I lose if I bought 2o Orikalcums when it`s 85k each ? *go Flyff ! XD* ]

Wrigley`s Eclipse mints
-- I eat some when I need a quick breath freshener . Weh ! Its sugarfree too x]]

panda coin purse
-- In case I wanna buy something [ like junkfood or Coke ] , I just grab that coin purse && head down to the “sari-sari store” near our house . But if in the case that I am playing/using the PC , I ask our helpers to buy me the things I want XD

Spongebob keychain [ or what used to be one XD ]
-- He`s my stress ball ! He has these little styro ball thingys that make me relax when I squeeze it . Wooo :D

my PSP
-- I play it when I`m waiting for videos to stream &&/or downloads to finish :D

my roller brush
-- It`s very handy when my hair needs a quick fix . I actually don`t care when my hair goes all frizzy && tangle-y but my mom && dad hate it when they see my hair in that kind of state . XD

notepad && pencil
-- I write down passwords && e-mails that I need to remember, cool websites, cheats [ XD ] or anything at all in it . The thing written down on my notepad as of now is this : “Time has a way of healing, so they say.” [ Evidence ~ Urbandub ] Why that, you ask ? I ain`t some razor-loving emo kid . That`s just my favorite song as of now :D

Japanese-English-Filipino dictionary by Lenny Arriola Koizumi *under the notepad*
-- I actually don`t know why is that there . I don`t wanna take it out though XD

my two cellphones [ Globe && Sun *in the near future* ]
-- For easy finding && usage . Period XD

light blue rectangle thing
-- That`s actually a wallet the girlfriend of my middle bro gave to me when she came back from the States [ together with the dark chocolate *previous blogpost* ] . IDK why it`s there @_@

ninja bear
-- It has a name ! It`s Hatori Hanzot . The name`s from a character [ Hatori Hanzo ] from the game, Samurai Showdown . The bear`s dressed like him, see ? XD

random CD`s
-- RF CD , Motherboard CD , Capcom Classics UMD are there . IDK why it`s there *again* XD

So that`s all for my new setup for my PC ! Weh :D

-- M i R a i
[ 22 :* ]

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