Hark && let us rejoice , fellow Pinoy Twilighters !! In t - [ idk ] hours , the movie we`ve been eagerly anticipating since forever would finally change its state from " Next Picture " to " Now Showing ". I`m sure some [ maybe even a lot ] of you guys will play hooky just to watch the absofreakinlutely sweet moviee. * wink [;
What bothers me though is that soooooo manyy girls my age would watch Twilight just because of Edward C. / RPatt. Transfigurating from supporting actor of HP4 to leading man blew RPatt fanatics away . Whoever thought the boy who died during the Triwizard Tournament would portray someone so dazzling && oh let`s say... perfect ? No, not I . Anyway , it`s quite annoying how a whole lot of Twifans are just going for the movie because of Edward`s oh-so-sweet-lines-that-would-make-you-into-a-puddle-in-a-nanosecond && the sparkly vampire himself. Uhh , hello? What about the main plot? Bella? The other Cullens? Jacob? James? Laurent? Victoria? Tsk. So it`s like the essence of the motion picture for those girls is just staring , drooling && sighing over Robert Pattinson as Edward Anthony Masen Cullen . Please girls , get a grip. Would Stephenie Meyer want us fans to watch her bestseller as a movie by going all googly-eyed over Edward && ignoring all of her other characters? If I were her , of course I`d put my foot down && say: "Hella no!"
So please , to all you Twifans out there who are going to watch it just because of the hot " 17 year old " bloodsucker , YOU`RE FREAKIN` WASTING YER MONEY. Go figure.
* Peace , I didn`t make this blogpost to hit someone/someones with my words . It`s just making me sick.
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